Unspecified Communication Disorder

Unspecified communication disorder refers to children who exhibit some of the symptoms associated with other CDs. Children with unspecified communication disorders, on the other hand, do not meet the exact diagnostic criteria for any of the other communication disorders.

Unspecified communication disorder: a term used to describe people who have symptoms of a communication disorder but do not meet all of the criteria, and whose symptoms cause distress or impairment.

Disorders that do not meet the diagnostic criteria for any specific communication disorder:

  • Voice disorder: an abnormality in pitch, loudness, quality, tone, or resonance. To be coded as a disorder, the voice abnormality must be sufficiently severe to impair academic achievement or social communication.
  • Cluttering: Nociated speech abnormality in which the disturbed rate and the rhythm of speech impair intelligibility, Speech is erratic and dysrhythmic and consists of rapid, jerky spurts that are inconsistent with normal phrasing patterns. The disorder usually occurs in children between 2 and 8 years of age; associated with learning disorders and other communication disorders.

vectors by Freepick; graphic design by Vadot


What to Know About Different Types Communication Disorders. (2022). Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/communication-disorder-types-5220602#toc-types-of-communication-disorders

‌Communication Disorders | Abnormal Psychology. (2013). Lumenlearning.com. https://courses.lumenlearning.com/wm-abnormalpsych/chapter/communication-disorders/#:~:text=unspecified%20communication%20disorder%20%E2%80%93%20This%20category,symptoms%20cause%20distress%20or%20impairment.


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